Although Shiatsu comes from Japan, it has its origins in Chinese Medicine and is based on similar principles as acupuncture. The Meridians and Points are the same, but instead of using needles the practitioner uses touch.
This makes it an effective alternative for people who are interested in acupuncture but have a needle phobia.
What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing form of therapeutic body work which uses different types and qualities of touch according to your needs.
These include varying levels of acupressure using palms, thumbs (shi-atsu translates as finger pressure), forearms and sometimes knees.
Rotations of joints and stretching of limbs may also be used to help you relax, relieve stress, tension and pain. It can calm the nervous system, enhance blood circulation and redistribute your energy making you feel calmer, grounded and more balanced.
During a treatment, you may feel the ‘switch’ when your nervous system changes from fight and flight to deep relaxation. Shiatsu has shown to have measurable effects for people suffering anxiety and panic attacks.
People often come suffering from musculoskeletal problems such as back, neck and shoulder pain, but because of its effectiveness on stress and anxiety related health problems, people leave feeling that any separated parts have been reintegrated again.
Shiatsu can be gentle or dynamic depending on your needs and your energy levels. For example, if you suffer from Chronic Fatigue, have recently had surgery or strong treatments such as chemotherapy, the level of pressure may be much less than someone who is relatively fit and is suffering from shoulder and upper back tension where deeper pressure and bigger stretches may be more appropriate. Either way, you will always be able to communicate your needs so as to make your treatment as enjoyable and as effective as possible.